Thank you for choosing us. We know you have many choices where you may receive your healthcare services. The fact that you have chosen us to meet your needs gives us a powerful incentive to meet and exceed your expectations for excellent service.
Thank you for your questions – even the tough ones. Finding and providing you with the answers actually makes us better at our jobs…and even better at serving you and other patients who use our services.
Thank you for your complaints. Despite all the processes we employ to ensure the very best service, none are more accurate nor more revealing then the information you provide us when you register a complaint. Registering a complaint lets us know that you care about us as a healthcare provider – and that you believe we will improve our service.
Thank you for allowing us another chance. Your understanding should we fail to meet your needs is greatly appreciated, as is your willingness to allow us another chance to serve you.
Thank you for understanding when we have to shift priorities. Patient emergencies may require us to temporarily inconvenience some of our patients so that we may focus our attention on those patients whose medical conditions require our concentrated efforts. Your understanding in these situations is greatly appreciated and should reassure you that we would respond in the same way to help you if the need arises.
Thank you for your compliments. We strive to provide compassionate, high quality services utilizing the most advanced technology available. Your positive feedback allows us to recognize the efforts of our staff and motivates us to further find ways to exceed your service expectations.
Thank you for the relationship and the opportunity to serve you. We know that without you we would not exist. Our success is directly linked to your satisfaction with our services and ultimately your recommendation of our services to others.